Development of a Probabilistic Correlation between the Gamma Ray Index and Shale Volume Factor to Improve Resource Estimation for the Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria
The shale volume factor is among the critical petrophysical parameters for reservoir characterization and formation evaluation. Inaccurate estimates of the shale volume factor can lead to poor reserves or resource estimates and wrong business decisions. While the current industry standard is to estimate the shale volume factor from the gamma ray logs using the concept of the gamma ray index, a relationship between the shale volume factor and the gamma-ray index needs to be established for any region/basin under consideration. For most applications in the Niger Delta Basin, a linear relationship is often assumed. However, there is no proven relationship between the shale volume factor and the gamma-ray index for the formations in the Niger Delta Basin. This paper proposes a new shale volume factor prediction correlation for the Niger Delta Basin in Nigeria. The correlation development is based on establishing a relationship between the shale volume factor obtained from cores and the gamma ray index obtained from petrophysical logs for over thirty wells drilled across the Niger Delta Basin. The results show that the relationship between the shale volume factor and the gamma-ray index is not linear as often assumed but a power law model. The new probabilistic correlation predicts lower shale volume factors than the linear model for all ranges of the gamma-ray index. This recent correlation will significantly impact how the hydrocarbon resources and reserves are quantified in the Niger Delta Basin.
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