Dhaka is one of the most rapidly urbanizing cities in the world. Due to rapid urbanization, the presence of
vegetation in Dhaka has been diminishing fast. Dhaka is gradually losing its portion of green day by day.
Thus, the urbanization is transforming this city into a concrete jungle. World Health Organization (WHO)
recommends that there should be 9 square meter green space per city dweller for ensuring better life. Moreover,
according to UNEP there should be a minimum of 25% open space (plantation and water body) in a city.
Whereas the open space area is only about 14.5% in Dhaka city, according to a study in 2012 [1]. RAJUK
proposed management tools like FAR (Floor Area Ratio) to control the building density and urban green;
however, it is not enough to effectively regenerate the lost green parts of Dhaka city. Green roof can be a possible
solution for compensating urban green of this city. The objective of this paper is to analysis the possibilities of
regeneration of urban green space by green roof as well as the benefits of green roof to improve the overall city
environment of Dhaka. The study methodology involved to identify the problem, develop an analysis plan,
collecting data from various secondary sources, analysis the data and adjust it to the identified problem and
find out probable outcomes, were the methods of this research. The advantages of green roofs in urban areas
are numerous. However, green roofs demand structural standards and the waterproofing system. Despite the
challenges, the green roof benefits reported here suggest that green roofs can be used effectively as a solution
of reviving urban green in Dhaka city.
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