Analyzing the Performance of Deep Learning Models for Detecting Hate Speech on Social Media Platforms
Currently social media and online platforms have become a major source of cyberbullying and hate speech. It is currently affecting people and communities in harmful ways. Hate speech on social media is rising in Bangladesh and it is creating a need for effective tools to prevent and detect these incidents. This study introduces a deep learning model to mitigate this issue of identifying hate speech in text using three types of word embedding methods: Word2Vec, FastText, and BERT. The text data was labeled to mark hate speech and non-hate speech content. After that, these texts are preprocessed by removing punctuation and symbols to help improve model accuracy. Five deep learning models Bi-GRU-LSTM-CNN, Bi-LSTM, CNN, LSTM, and XGBoost were trained to classify the text as hate speech or non-hate speech. The study found that the LSTM model accomplished the highest accuracy at 95.66% with the Word2Vec embedding method, while CNN reached 87.70% with FastText embeddings. Word2Vec is effective for capturing word meanings in general text classification. FastText works well with rare words and languages that have complex word forms. These findings help advance effective hate speech detection techniques. It could promote more respectful and inclusive interactions on social media. This proposed deep-learning model can help stop cyberbullying and hate speech on social media.
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