This research paper describes the results of analysis of the seismic behavior of a thirty story steel building with and
without damper under different earthquake acceleration signals. The proposed procedure placed the various types of
damper like friction damper, bilinear damper and exponential damper on the top three floors of the building. The study
compares the different performances such as the joint displacement, joint acceleration, the base force of structure
with and without damper for a thirty-story steel building using ETABS 2015. The study further performs time history
analysis for different seismic accelerograms to observe the actual time domain responses of the structure. Finally,
static pushover analysis in both X and Y direction studies the demand and capacity spectrum. Linear time-history
analysis on this steel building structure indicates that maximum joint displacement increases for S-Monica2 seismic
accelerogram and decreases for Altadena and Corralit accelerograms; whereas, maximum base force and maximum
joint acceleration are effectively reduced for all the seismic accelerograms in the presence of damper at top three floors
of the building.
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