Autonomous Braking System: for Automobile Use
Road fatality and injury are a worldwide issue in the transportation industry. Road traffic accidents are becoming increasingly significant due to higher mortality, injury, and disability across the world, particularly in developing and transitional economies. Eighty-five percent of the total road traffic fatalities occur in developing nations, with Asia-Pacific accounting for roughly half of them. A variety of factors influence road safety, including technological, physical, social, and cultural factors. The purpose of this research was to design an autonomous braking system (AuBS). Using the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Intelligent System (ANFIS), a DC motor, sensors, and SAuBS have been developed to customize the traditional hydraulic braking system. The genetic algorithm has been developed to simulate the fundamental characteristics of the automotive braking system. The AuBS system goal is to slow the car without the driver's help infrequent braking when the vehicle is moving at slower speeds. When the ANFIS performance is compared to that of the AuBS model, it is discovered that the ANFIS performs roughly 15% better.
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